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时间:2024-05-07   浏览:0次

1、你有你的万家灯火,我有我的浪迹天涯。 You have your lights, I have my wanderings all over the world. 2、让我带着你的晚安做一个好梦,不会失眠。 Let me take your good night to have a good dream, not insomnia. 3、我得不到的东西,谁爱要谁要。 I can not get things, who love who want who want. 4、他人的想法,只会影响你成为一个自由的人。 What others think will only affect you to be a free man. 5、谁对谁夸口许下承诺,谁又爲谁去完成承诺。 Who boasts to whom to make a promise, and for whom to fulfill the promise. 6、三里清风三里路,步步风里再无你。 Three miles breeze three miles Road, step by step in the wind no longer you. 7、离别恨,已过几秋?相见难,这般愁断肠。 Farewell hate, how many autumn has passed? It's hard to meet. It's so sad. 8、如果要我从新选择,我情愿与迩是壹个陌生人。 If I want a new choice, I would like to be a stranger with you. 9、你如果不成长,有些人是等不了你的。 If you don't grow up, some people can't wait for you. 10、没人把你当真,你又何必入戏太深。 No one takes you seriously. Why do you get into the drama too much. 11、这一瞬的温暖,我愿用一生去换取。 This moment of warmth, I would like to use my life to exchange. 12、原来我的世界,是这样的简单明了。 It turns out that my world is so simple and clear. 13、和爱的人吵架,和陌生人讲心里话。 Quarrel with someone you love and talk to strangers. 14、或许生命的尽头,才就是思念的终结。 Perhaps the end of life is the end of missing. 15、我为了你众叛亲离,而你却为亲人叛离了我! I betrayed my relatives for you, but you betrayed me for your relatives! 16、人之间的距离是心,心之间的距离是情。 The distance between people is the heart, and the distance between the hearts is love. 17、我爱错了人,撞得头破血流他也不会疼。 I love the wrong person, hit his head and blood, he will not hurt. 18、不用诠释,不用解释,我就是我。 No interpretation, no explanation, I am me. 19、一个是华丽短暂的梦,一个是残酷漫长的现实。 One is a gorgeous short dream, the other is a cruel long reality. 20、直道相思了无益,未妨惆怅是清狂。 Straight way acacia is useless, but melancholy is pure madness. 21、原谅你的那一刻,我否定了自己。 The moment I forgive you, I deny myself. 22、人生不是被注定好的,谁都有资格创造人生。 Life is not destined to be good, everyone is qualified to create life. 23、没有什麽会永垂不朽,我们又何必奢求。 Nothing will last forever. Why should we ask for it. 24、熟悉的歌谣里,藏着童话的影子。 Familiar ballads, hidden in the shadow of fairy tales. 25、你若不是可有可无,他又怎会对你忽冷忽热。 If you are not dispensable, how can he treat you suddenly. 26、可惜你我山南水北,想抱抱你也没有机会。 Unfortunately, you and I have no chance to hug you. 27、拥有逆境,便拥有一次创造奇迹的机会。 If you have adversity, you will have a chance to create a miracle. 28、你从不揣摩我的心思,却责怪我善变难懂。 You never read my mind, but blame me for being fickle and hard to understand. 29、花出勇气的困难,超出了我们的想象。 The difficulty of taking courage is beyond our imagination. 30、今天你对我爱理不理,明天我让你高攀不起。 Today you are indifferent to me, tomorrow I let you climb up. 31、我想去南方,有海有浪有艳阳。 I want to go to the south. There are sea, waves and sunshine. 32、是非只为多开口,烦恼皆因强出头。 Right and wrong just for more mouth, worry all because of strong. 33、三生三世,我愿与你十里桃花。 Three lives three times, I would like to be with you ten li peach blossom. 34、我能想通,也能接受,但我很难过。 I can think it out and accept it, but I'm sorry. 35、热闹的马路不长草,聪明的脑袋不长毛。 Busy road does not grow grass, smart head does not grow hair. 36、世间万物皆是苦,唯有你是甜。 Everything in the world is bitter, only you are sweet. 37、假如我年少有为不自卑,老公肯定一大堆。 If I'm young and have no inferiority complex, my husband must be a lot. 38、我承认不是我想放你走,而是你始终不要我。 I admit it's not that I want to let you go, but that you never want me. 39、经过火的洗礼,泥巴也会有坚强的体魄。 After the baptism of fire, mud will also have a strong physique. 40、总有一个人的名字,让我立刻停下笑容。 There is always a person's name, let me immediately stop smiling. 41、你的存在、是我唯一想要的等待。 Your existence is the only waiting I want. 42、伤心的歌谣,一遍一遍地在耳边回绕。 Sad songs, again and again in the ear around. 43、我也想知道你到底哪里好,让我这么放不掉。 I also want to know where you are so good that I can't let go. 44、生活就像我的歌声,时而不靠谱,时而不着调。 Life is like my song, sometimes unreliable, sometimes out of tune. 45、愿岁月无可回头,愿人生无可辜负。 May the years never come back, and may life live up to it. 46、淡化回忆,美的不留痕迹。 Fade the memory, leaving no trace of beauty. 47、一个懒惰的少年,将来就是一褴褛的老人。 A lazy boy will be a ragged old man in the future. 48、拿的起、放的下、我大言不惭。 Take up, put down, I am not ashamed. 49、勇气是控制恐惧心理,而不是心里毫无恐惧。 Courage is the control of fear, not the absence of fear. 50、你是清晨一场雨,淋湿在胸口却感觉好温柔。 You are a morning rain, wet in the chest but feel good gentle. 51、我的付出只有一次,你丢了就没了。 I pay only once, you lost it. 52、在乎的人不明白,明白的人不在乎。 Those who care don't understand, those who understand don't care. 53、最疼的疼是原谅,最黑的黑是绝望。 The most painful pain is forgiveness, the darkest black is despair. 54、不拉黑不删你,只是想看你每天为别人写心情。 Do not pull black do not delete you, just want to see you write mood for others every day. 55、不要说我变了,直接说你厌倦好了。 Don't say I've changed, just say you're tired. 56、用心甘情愿的态度,过随遇而安的生活。 With a willing attitude, live a happy life. 57、我擅长气人,拉远距离,斩断人际关系。 I'm good at making people angry, pulling distance and cutting off interpersonal relationships. 58、你所知道的不要全说,你所听到的不要全信。 Don't say all you know, believe not all you hear. 59、倘若留不住,权当未拥有。 If you can't keep it, you should not have it. 60、做好自己就够了,不要在乎别人怎么说。 It's enough to be yourself. Don't care what others say.






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